QI-5 Body Scan and Balance System
Quickly and Efficiently Talk to the Body With a Full Body Scan
The Qi-5 body balance software quickly and accurately identifies the top stressors and top supporters needed to bring the body back into balance. At Infinite Wellness, the Qi-5 Balance system provides us a multi tiered approach for addressing specific imbalances, distortions and stressors as well as support the body and allows us to design a custom program for each patient.
The QI-5 System is not a device, it is an entire wellness system!
What Does it Do?
The QI-5 uses a low level laser that communicates directly with the body, allowing it to come into balance and supporting whole body wellness. The test consists of using thousands of specific micro-frequencies to provide an overall stress pattern of the organs and systems of your body. The results combined with the software allow us to create a customized care plan that is accurate, non-invasive (no needles) and effective.
The QI-5 Body Scan and Balance System Helps Address the Following
- Sensitivities
- Pain & Nerve
- Emotional Balance
- Sleep
- Hormone Balance
- Weight Management
- Trauma
- Brain Balance
- Detoxification
- Structural
- Smoking Cessation
- Immune Support
- Viral/Bacterial/Fungal Issues
- Digestion/Gut Health
- Skin
- More!
More Information
The QI-5 Scan and Balance is Computer Antivirus Software for Your Body!
Like good antivirus software that a computer uses, the QI-5 allows us to scan the body for problems, help identify the cause of the problems and put a plan of action together to address those problems. Using this testing along with custom designed treatments for each patient, Infinite Wellness can help you get to the root of the problem and allow the body to begin healing in a safe, effective and natural way.
If you would like to know how this testing method can help you, contact us today!